Messy s.r.o. ing. Waltr Sodomka Czech Republic, 251 68 Kamenice
- Offer Chimneys, flue lines, fire isolation shafts and chimney stacks
Zdenek Husnik Zdenek Husnik Czech Republic, 468 04 Jablonec nad Nisou
- Offer Offer of reconstruction and renovation of buildings
Modrá pyramida stavební spořitelna a.s. Lenka Martinková Czech Republic, Praha 2
- Offer & Request Sales / Financing co - operation
SiliS - Institut pro správné praxe Eduard Justa Czech Republic, 190 00 Praha
- Offer & Request Training of tilers
GWA s.r.o. Boris Jedlička Czech Republic, Praha
- Offer Big plastic fittings used in water, gas and waste water industry.
Nafigate a.s. Jirina Repaska Czech Republic, Prague
- Offer & Request Nanofibrous air filtration - windows, doors (smog, dust, allergens, odour, bacteria)
FERIA BOHEMIA s.r.o. Josef Dobrý Czech Republic, Praha 6
- Offer Zastoupení českých a slovenských firem ve Španělsku / Representation of Czech/Slovak firms in Spain
JS Lucca Jitka Serdelová Czech Republic, 150 00 Praha 5
- Offer Decorative sandblasting glass for doors, windows, furniture...
ABBAS, a.s. Adam Horák Czech Republic, Brno
- Offer Security technology
Imitace Roubenek Tomáš Skřítek Czech Republic, Boleboř
- Offer Renovation in rustic and timber style of houses
BONNEL TECHNOLOGIE s.r.o. Jan Bonn Czech Republic, Cheb
- Offer Wastewater treatment
- Offer & Request Electronics - development and production
BARVY A LAKY TELURIA s.r.o. Petr Svejda Czech Republic, Skrchov
- Offer Decorative and industrial paints and coatings
FN-NANO s.r.o. Blanka Zajíčková Czech Republic, Kamenné Žehrovice
- Offer Special functional coating with super strong self-cleaning capabilities with enviromental reach
LEBS s.r.o. Natalia Bodencova Czech Republic, 130 00 Praha 3
- Offer Window sills
PURLIVE, spol. s r.o. Jiří Ratajský Czech Republic, Zlin
- Offer Prefabricated constructions for building low energy wooden houses
Resonanční pila a.s. Pavla Scheinerová Czech Republic, 503 51 Chlumec nad Cidlinou
- Offer Joinery and building timber, lumber, wooden construction, floor and terraced boards, scantlings,...
ing. Karel Malý Karel Malý Czech Republic, Praha 4
- Offer Cooperation in high rise work
PROFI REGAL s.r.o. Pavla Scheinerová Czech Republic, 463 55 Rynoltice
- Offer Manufacture and installation of racking and shelving systems
NCCC Linda Veenman Czech Republic, Prague
- Idea Dutch Chamber of Commerce
ROBERT KINDL - BARVY LAKY KINDL Robert Kindl Czech Republic, 405 02 Děčín
- Offer Interior and exterior walls painting: apartments and office buildings, warehouses, shops, showrooms
Bilateral Talks
- Participants84
- Meetings Requested210
- Meetings Accepted160
Profile views
- Before Event3358
- After Event125390